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2006 Barney et la note blue  巴尼藍調


Loustal (Taiwan)  chinois
Dala Publishing Company Taïwan

Book specifications : comic books series : dala / 96 pages / 16k Putin level / color / First Edition ISBN :  9868271932
Taiwan publication to :
decembre 2006

lilou interviewed Loustal and Paringaux. Here are the two parts:

photo lilou

part 1, on the website of Dala publishing

photo lilou
part 2, on my own site:

Loustal, paringaux and

and part 3


叢書系列 : Dala comic
平裝 / 96頁 / 16k
普級 / 全彩 / 初版


書已發行法文、德文、英文、荷蘭、義大利、芬蘭、丹麥、立陶宛等多國版本! “ besame, besame mucho, como si fuera esta noche la ultima vez……”   故事在〈besame mucho〉的樂聲中揭開序幕,這是一段薩克斯風手的傳奇人生……   編劇以巴尼.威倫(Barney Wilen,1937-1996)的生平為本,並加入自己虛構的情節,將這位爵士樂手一生放蕩不羈的故事,描寫得如同一場精彩的即興演奏,令人驚嘆,也令人惋惜。   巴尼成長於法國南部尼斯的蔚藍海岸,而非美國南方的棉花田,演出的地點是巴黎聖傑曼的溫柔氛圍,而非紐約哈林區的冷冽肅殺。成名後,他從巴黎轉戰爵士之都紐約,並於五○年代竄起,成為樂界最被看好的樂手,並與邁爾士?戴維斯(Miles Davis)、亞特.布雷基(Art Blakey)等人合作。現實中的巴尼,留下了不少絕佳的演奏;漫畫中的巴尼,卻在吸毒中毀滅了自己……   漫畫家路斯塔以濃烈沉鬱的水彩筆觸,將巴尼精彩卻哀傷的一生,暈染地更加到味。帶我們看見巴尼對音樂的投入、墜入愛河的狂野激情、演奏時的意氣風發,到後來他的放縱與消沉……   當你翻頁,流洩出的是1957年戴維斯為法國導演路易馬盧(Louis Malle)的《死刑台與電梯》(Ascenseur pour l’echafaud)所作的電影原聲帶配樂,戴維斯的小喇叭與巴尼的薩克斯風,共同吹奏出巴黎香榭麗舍的夜色(Nuit Sur Les Champs-Elysees)…… 作者簡介 繪者:賈克.路斯塔(Jacques de Loustal)   1956年生於法國,為當代最受歡迎的漫畫家之一,他的作品色彩鮮豔濃郁,有強烈的普普藝術風格。旅居非洲的那段時間,深深影響他後來的創作。從他還在建築系就讀的時期,就已陸續在《颶風》(Cyclone)、《狂嘯金屬》(Metal Hurlant)、《飛行員》(Pilote)、《待續》(A suivre)等漫畫雜誌發表短篇作品。代表作有《巴尼藍調》、《沙之心》(Coeurs de Sable)、《剛果男孩》(Kid Congo)、《島嶼與她們的故事》(iles et elles)以及《路斯塔旅遊圖文手記》系列(Carnets de voyage)、《Voyage:跟著漫畫家去旅行》……等。 編劇:菲力普.巴希果(Philippe Paringaux)   法國人,記者出身的他,原為《Rock’n’folk.》音樂雜誌主筆,但對編劇有更濃烈的興趣,後來與路斯塔長期合作多部作品,包括《島嶼與她們的故事》(iles et elles)、《夜晚的太陽》(Soleils de nuit)、《白晝之光》(Lumi?res du jour)、《剛果男孩》(Kid Congo)……等。 譯者簡介 藍漢傑   1967年生,國立藝術學院戲劇學系畢業,巴黎第三大學表演藝術預備博士。曾任職於媒體、教學、劇場和翻譯工作。譯有《丈夫不見了》、《三個陌生女子》、《莉拉說》、《狗的神話》、《必然的瘋狂》(皇冠),以及《消逝邊境I、II》、《巴尼藍調》(大辣)。

Barney blues Barney et la bleue authors note : Road Stavanger, Lubumbashi fruit Translator : Blue Hanjie Press : The spicy publication date : December 5, 2006 : Traditional Chinese language other pricing : 280 discount : 9% of the value of 252 yuan to buy 10 of the single 224 yuan (8%), a more detailed look at the value of information


Automatically translated text:
Has been issued in French, German, English, the Netherlands, Italy, Finland, Denmark, Lithuania and other countries versions! "Besame, besame mucho. und ultima vez como si fuera esta noche la…… "story in" besame mucho> music kicks off This is a saxophone legend…… writers sometimes tells the hands to Barney. Wilen (Barney Wilen,1937-1996) Life - and joined his fictional plot, the story of this jazz life debauchery, portrayed as a brilliant improvisational, startling, it is a pity. Barney grew up in Nice, southern France, the azure coast, rather than the cotton fields in the southern United States. Paris St. Germain is the place to perform gentle atmosphere, rather than the spring chill Harlem, New York. Fame, he fought his capital from Paris to New York in the late 1960s and rapidly became the most promising players in music, and Maiershi? Davis (Miles Davis), Wyatt. Breakey (Art Blakey) and other cooperation. Barney's reality, it left many excellent performances; The Barney cartoon, the destruction of the drug in their…… Staffan cartoonist road to the thick gloomy watercolor pens, Barney's exciting but sad life to mean more to Yunran. Barney, we can see the music input into the rave passionate love, the high-spirited performance. Later his indulgence and vanishes when you flip……. Davis is out of the flow for the 1957 French director Louis Malle (Louis Malle) of the "death of Taiwan and lift" (Ascenseur pour l' 'echafaud) film soundtracks for the music. Davis, the loudspeaker and Barney the saxophone, and sometimes tells Paris Champs-Elysees, common play out the night (Nuit Sur Les Champs-Elysees)… …

author : Jacques father. Road Stavanger (Jacques de Loustal) was born in France in 1956. One of the most popular contemporary cartoonist, his work vibrant and strong, a strong Pop Art style. During that time lived in Africa, have deeply influenced his later creations. He also studying architecture from the period, had been in the "hurricane" (Cyclone) "metal forever" (Metal Hurlant), the "pilot" (Pilote). "adjourned" (A suivre) comic magazine published short works. Made a "Barney blues", "Sha Heart" (Coeurs de Sable). "the boys" (Kid Congo). "island with their stories" (iles et elles), as well as the "Road travel through Staffan Notes Series" (de Mineral (20 October 1995). "The Voyage : travel with the cartoonist"…… other. Screenplay : Phillips. Lubumbashi fruit (Philippe Paringaux) French reporters who he the original "Rock 'n' folk.> Music Magazine writer, but writers have strong interest, Later, more long-term cooperation with the Ministry of Stavanger road works including the "island with their stories" (iles et elles). "night sun" (Soleils de nuit). "daylight light" (Lumi?res du jour), "the boys" (Kid Congo)…… and so on. Translator brief Hanjie 1967 Blue Health, the National Institute of the Arts Department of Drama graduate, Dr. Paris III University Preparatory performing arts. Worked in the media, teaching, theater and translation work. Translation of a "husband gone," "Three unknown woman", "HE said," "The Dog myth" "inevitable Crazy" (crown), and "I vanish border, san," Barney Blues "(the spicy).